- House Sparrow -
House Sparrow
Passer Domesticus

What are house sparrows?
What is their behavior like?
House sparrows can be quite a nuisance. In rural areas, they damage poultry and livestock operations by destroying large amounts of feed. They can also destroy building insulation. In the city, sparrows inhabit parks, city streets, and zoos. They nest in and around residential and commercial buildings, and large flocks will frequently develop around warehouses, stadiums, and airport hangers. Around residential structures, they are pests in gardens and yards, frequently driving songbirds out of the area.
Sparrows nest and roost in flocks. All of their activity, including feeding, nesting, and roosting, is carried out within a 1-2 mile radius. As a result, sparrows will likely re-infest an eliminated area, even if population control is temporarily gained.
Sparrows will nest anywhere: in gutters, roofs, ledges, loading docks, on roof supports, trees, shrubs, inside buildings, and within commercial billboards and electric signs. The nests themselves are messy in construction and are made of twigs, grass, paper, and anything else they can carry. The same nests are often used over and over again. Nests that are constructed around power lines or in electrical substations can be serious fire hazards.
What is their biology?