

Wasps and yellow jackets are the most common stinging insect we exterminate. They are social insects that produce new nests of paper each year with the help of wood and saliva. A colony is started by a queen, which is a fertilized female. The queen carries out all of the duties and chores of building a new colony; additionally, she …


Pavement Ant

Pavement ants can be found throughout the Eastern United States and in California. They nest under rocks, in cracks in pavement, and along the edges of curbing. Pavement ants measure from 1/10th to 1/8th of an inch in length. Their appearance ranges in color from light to very dark brown. Their legs and antennae are much paler. A pavement ant …

May back

Carpenter bees are found throughout the United States. The most common and frequently encountered are large carpenter bees, which resemble bumble bees. Carpenter bees have shiny black dorsal abdomen surfaces, while bumble bees have yellow and black hairy abdominal surfaces. The carpenter bee is unique because it nests by boring holes into any dead wood that is available, be it …


Carpenter Ant

Carpenter ants belong to the class of insects known as Hymenoptera, which also includes bees and wasps. Carpenter ants derive their name from the appearance of their nesting galleries, which are smooth, clean, and sculptured. Unlike termites, you will find no dirt, excrement, or sawdust in their nests. Although it may appear that they eat wood like termites, carpenter ants …


Subterranean termites, the most common kind of termite found in the U.S., live in the soil. They can live just below the surface to as much as 12 feet down. Foraging territories may extend several hundred feet from the colony. Subterranean termites cause more damage each year than all combined natural disasters; fires, earthquakes and storms. They cause nearly one …